Boy Meets World

This sitcom first aired in 1993 and followed the lives of two 12-year-old boys as they struggled with family crisis', girls, school and growing up in general and the goof's they made along the way.

The show follows the main character Cory (Ben Savage) and his family: his father Alan (William Russ), his mother Amy (Betsy Randle), his elder brother Eric (Will Friedle) and his little sister Morgan (Lily Nicksay, later played by Lindsay Ridgeway). Also playing big parts in the show are Cory's best friend, Shawn (Rider Strong) and Cory's girlfriend, Topanga (Danielle Fishel) and their high-school principal, Mr George Finny (William Daniels), who just so happens to be Cory's next-door neighbour.

Now they are all grown up and have all gone to the same college where Mr Finney has now taken up a teaching position. Cory has married his first love Topanga, and now the two are struggling to deal with how to support themselves, as well as making the grade with their studies and generally with being young adults!

Genre: Sitcom

Running Time: 30 minutes (approx)

4/5 Stars

Main Cast

Image for Melissa Joan HartMelissa Joan Hart
Bernie Kopell
Ted Lange
Hillary Tuck
Robert Clohessy
Ben Savage
William Daniels
Betsy Randle
Will Friedle
Image for Rider StrongRider Strong
William Russ
Image for Alex DésertAlex Désert
Shareen Mitchell
Buddy Hackett
Fred Savage
Dan Lauria
Paul Gleason
Image for Marcia CrossMarcia Cross
Olivia Hussey
Blake Foster