PG certificateDefiance is a Science Fiction Series programme that first aired in 2013 and has been classified a PG certificate.

When Twilight Dims the Sky Above has no rating, but Defiance is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for Science Fiction Series programme "Defiance"

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Defiance: When Twilight Dims the Sky Above

Series 3, episode 10

Nolan takes refuge in drink, causing Irisa to seek Doc Yewll's help. But Yewll has a problem of her own: a control stem in her neck.


Image for Grant BowlerGrant Bowler...Chief Lawkeeper Joshua Nolan
Image for Julie BenzJulie Benz...Mayor Amanda Rosewater
Image for Stephanie LeonidasStephanie Leonidas...Irisa
Image for Tony CurranTony Curran...Datak Tarr
Image for Jaime MurrayJaime Murray...Stahma Tarr
Graham Greene...Rafe McCawley