PG certificateDefiance is a Science Fiction Series programme that first aired in 2013 and has been classified a PG certificate.

Brothers in Arms has no rating, but Defiance is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for Science Fiction Series programme "Defiance"

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Defiance: Brothers in Arms

Series 1, episode 6

Sci-fi drama set in the year 2046. More than 30 years after various alien races arrived on Earth, the landscape has altered almost beyond recognition. As the mysterious Nolan and his charge Irisa settle into the town of Defiance, events begin to unfold that threaten the fragile peace the residents have fought for


Brittany Allen...Tirra
Image for Grant BowlerGrant Bowler...Chief Lawkeeper Jeb Nolan
Image for Stephanie LeonidasStephanie Leonidas...Irisa
Image for Jaime MurrayJaime Murray...Stahma Tarr
Jessica Nichols...Jered
Dewshane Williams...Tommy