A deliciously dark animated comedy-horror for older children and adults, directed by Sam Fell and Chris Butler.
Twelve-year-old Norman Babcock lives in the sleepy New England town of Blithe Hollow. He's a bit of a loner and is picked upon by his schoolmates, who call him Ab-Norman. But the thing that really makes him stand out is his ability to see and speak with the many ghosts that linger in Blithe Hollow. And, while no one believes Norman's claims, the town's population soon discover he's the only person who may be able to save them from the twin horrors of a witch's curse and a zombie invasion.
The voice cast includes Elaine Stritch, John Goodman, Jeff Garlin, Leslie Mann and Bernard Hill. Made by Laika, the company that created the similarly scary Coraline, the romp features brilliant gags, superb animation and references to a host of horror movies.