This delightful CGI animated comedy adventure was quite a sizable hit in 2003. Aimed at younger children, it's a beautiful, innovative and colourful work, with some knowing nods to older viewers, including various film homages and gags.
Starting on Australia's Great Barrier Reef, the aquatic tale focuses on Marlin, a clown fish who loses his wife and children in a barracuda attack. Nemo is the only one of his offspring to survive. On his first day of school and forgetting the advice of his overly-protective father, Nemo is captured by a scuba diver and ends up in a fish tank in a dentist's office. While he tries to hatch a plan to escape and return home, his dad braves his way across the ocean to get his son back, meeting a variety of colourful characters en route.
Directed by Andrew Stanton, and with some terrific voicing from the likes of Willem Dafoe, Eric Bana and Geoffrey Rush, it's certainly up to Pixar's superior standard. Highly recommended.