Kojak is a Drama programme that first aired in 1989.

Kojak is a 2 star programme

Image for the Drama programme "Kojak"

Seasons in Detail

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Kojak (1989)

A terminally ill cop vows to avenge his partner's murder in the time he has left. Theo fears his obsession will undermine the case against the crime syndicate behind the murder.

Genre: Drama

Running Time: 110 minutes (approx)

Production Year: 1989

2/5 Stars

When is Kojak next on TV?

It's next showing on ITV4 July 29th, 10:20am and on ITV4 July 29th, 2:35pm. See more...

Main Cast

Image for Telly SavalasTelly Savalas...Lt. Theo Kojak
Dan Frazer...Capt. Frank McNeil
Kevin Dobson...Det. Bobby Crocker
George Savalas...Det. Stavros
Mark Russell...Det. Saperstein, Saperstein
Vince Conti...Agajanian, Det. Rizzo, Police Photographer, Rizzo, Sgt. Rizzo
Roger Robinson...Gil Weaver
Nick Dennis...Charlie, Constantine, Uncle Constantino
Borah Silver...Chemist, Dr. Prince, Prince, Sgt. Prince
Jason Wingreen...1st Reporter, Eddie Hogan, Max Persky
Bradford English...Cop at the Church, Patrolman Seymour, Royce
Roosevelt Grier...Salathiel Harms
Pepe Serna...Enorio Patias, Rudy Diaz
Richard Venture...Capt. Reardon, Robert Smith
Bill Capizzi...Forensic Man, Forensics Man
Joseph Hindy...Dominic Bruno, George Bradbury, Vinnie Palmerance
Bruce Kirby...Sgt. Al Vine, Sgt. Vine, Vine
Victor Campos...Det. Gomez, Gomez
Phillip R. Allen...Cooper, Lt. Williamson
Alan Manson...Det., Gallagher, Lt. Steve Nicola