A Touch of Frost is a Drama programme that first aired in 1992.

A Touch of Frost is a 4 star programme

Image for the Drama programme "A Touch of Frost"

Seasons in Detail

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A Touch of Frost (1992)

Set in the town of Denton, this police drama series focuses on Detective Inspector Frost and his long-suffering Superintendent Harry Mullett.

Also known as "A Touch of Frost: S4 Ep 4"

Genre: Drama

Production Year: 1992

4/5 Stars

Production Country: UK

When is A Touch of Frost next on TV?

It's next showing on ITV3 March 29th, 11:00pm. See more...

Main Cast

Image for David JasonDavid Jason...D.I. Frost, DI Frost, DI Jack Frost, Insp Jack Frost, Insp. Jack Frost
Image for Bruce AlexanderBruce Alexander...Supt Mullet, Supt Mullett, Supt. Mullett, Supt. Stanley Mullett
John Lyons...D.S. George Toolan, D.S. Toolan, D.S.Toolan, DS George Toolan, DS Toolan
Arthur White...Ernie Trigg, P.C. Ernie Trigg, PC Ernest 'Ernie' Trigg, PC Ernie Trigg, Police Collator, Trigg
James McKenna...Custody Sgt., Sgt Brady, Sgt. Brady, Sgt. Don Brady
Paul Moriarty...Sgt Wells, Sgt. Bill Wells, Sgt. Wells
George Thompson...P.C. Simms, PC Simms
David McKail...Dr Mackenzie, Dr McKenzie, Dr. McKenzie, Pathologist
David Gooderson...Derek Simpkins Pathologist, Pathologist, Simkins, Simpkins, Simpkins - pathologist
Caroline Harker...DS Hazel Wallace, DS Wallace, PC Wallace, W.P.C. Hazel Wallace, WPC Hazel Wallace
Bill Rourke...Sgt Hanlon, Sgt. Hanlon
Lindy Whiteford...Shirley Fisher
Stuart Barren...Sgt Johnson, Sgt. Johnnie Johnson, Sgt. Johnson
Jon Sotherton...D.C. Howard, DC Howard, DC Mark Howard
Bill Stewart...Sandy Longford
David Reynolds
Richard Bates
Ian Driver...DC Jordan, P.C. Jordan, PC Jordan
Matt Bardock...D.C. Barnard, D.S. Clive Barnard, DC Barnard, DC Clive Barnard
Christopher Rickwood...P.C. Stringer, PC Stringer