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TagsFireman Sam: Great Billboard of Fire/Norman Burns Up the Dancefloor/Cry Wolf/Blow Me Down/Pontypandy ExtremeSeries 12, episode 0As Norman and Mike compete to promote their separate shows, Mike's electric billboard is suddenly on fire and rolling downhill towards a fuel truck. / Norman, hiding from Lily who's eager to dance with him at the Disco, accidentally sets fire to the Whole fish Café, trapping Bronwyn and Lion upstairs! / Norman accidentally sets off Dilys' new fire alarm so she confiscates his football. To get it back he sets the alarm off again and again when a fox enters the shop. / Station Officer Steele gets out his kite and pretends it's his nephew's. When he tries to fly it at the Flood's house it gets stuck on the roof. / Norman is upset when Trevor runs over his skateboard. Not prepared to wait for a new board Norman decides to retrieve coins from the bottom of a wishing well and buy one himself |
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