The Archers is a Soap programme.

06/01/2022 - 14 day cast/credits has no rating, but The Archers is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for Soap programme "The Archers"

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The Archers: 06/01/2022 - 14 day cast/credits

Series 644, episode 0

Directed by (unconfirmed)
Peter Leslie Wild
Jess Bunch

Elizabeth is caught in the middle, and Pip catches up with an old friend

Cast (unconfirmed)

Patricia Greene
Felicity Finch
Tim Bentinck
Daisy Badger
Ben Norris
Buffy Davis
Richard Attlee
Patricia Gallimore
David Troughton
Sunny Ormonde
Image for Paul CopleyPaul Copley
Charles Collingwood
James Cartwright
Joanna van Kampen
Brian Hewlett
Charlotte Martin
Hollie Chapman
Nick Barber
Barry Farrimond
Emerald O'Hanrahan
Angus Stobie
Philip Molloy
Taylor Uttley
Madeleine Leslay
Susie Riddell
Ryan Kelly
Perdita Avery
Katie Redford
Carole Boyd
Paul Venables
Ronny Jhutti
Keri Davies
Naylah Ahmed
Jeremy Howe