Workaholics is a Sitcom programme that first aired in 2011.

Dry Guys has no rating, but Workaholics is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for Sitcom programme "Workaholics"

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Workaholics: Dry Guys

Series 2, episode 2

Directed by
Kyle Newacheck

After an especially mental drinkfest of a party, Anders, Blake, and Adam decide some time off from the booze would be wise - but can they handle sobriety? It's not gonna be easy!


Blake Anderson...Blake Henderson
Adam DeVine...Adam DeMamp
Anders Holm...Anders Holmvik
Lavell Crawford...Strip Club DJ
Ronald James Hoff Jr...Jake the Bartender
Mitchell Hurwitz...'Fun' Eric
David Labiosa...Worker
Maribeth Monroe...Alice Murphy
Dave Silva...Mexican Dude
Celeste Pechous...Stripper