The Office: An American Workplace is a Sitcom programme that first aired in 2005. The Negotiation has no rating, but The Office: An American Workplace is a 4/5 star programme.
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TagsThe Office: An American Workplace: The NegotiationSeries 3, episode 19Written by Greg Daniels , Michael Schur , B.J. Novak , Ricky Gervais , Stephen Merchant , Caroline Williams Directed by Jeffrey Blitz , Harold Ramis Originally Aired On: Thursday, 12 April 2007Michael and Darryl send Dunder Mifflin HQ a deputation demanding an increase in salary. Pam's confession to Roy creates a problem for Jim. US remake of the sitcom set in a paper supply company, starring Steve Carell Click to see when The Office: An American Workplace, The Negotiation is coming up on UK TV Cast
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