The Good Life is a Sitcom programme that first aired in 1975.

Say Little Hen...? has no rating, but The Good Life is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for Sitcom programme "The Good Life"

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The Good Life: Say Little Hen...?

Series 1, episode 2

Directed by
John Howard Davies

Originally Aired On: Friday, 11 April 1975

Tom and Barbara introduce livestock into suburban Surbiton - an idea that does not go down too well with the neighbours. Comedy, starring Richard Briers and Felicity Kendal


Image for Richard BriersRichard Briers...Tom Good
Image for Felicity KendalFelicity Kendal...Barbara Good
Image for Penelope KeithPenelope Keith...Margo Leadbetter
Paul Eddington...Jerry Leadbetter
Reginald Marsh...Sir Andrew
Moyra Fraser...Felicity
John Edsmonde
Bob Larbey
John Howard Davies