The Goldbergs is a Sitcom programme that first aired in 2013.

I Drank the Mold has no rating, but The Goldbergs is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for Sitcom programme "The Goldbergs"

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The Goldbergs: I Drank the Mold

Series 2, episode 18

Written by
Directed by
Jon Corn

Adam has a birthday sleepover, during which his friend Garry shares out some of his father's home brewed beer and makes everyone sick. Barry and Erica want a new CD player, but Murray tells them he will only buy one for them if they write the greatest song ever


Image for Wendi McLendon-CoveyWendi McLendon-Covey...Beverly Goldberg
Hayley Orrantia...Erica Goldberg
Sean Giambrone...Adam Goldberg
Image for George SegalGeorge Segal...Albert 'Pops' Solomon
Troy Gentile...Barry Goldberg
Jeff Garlin...Murray Goldberg