Seinfeld is a Sitcom programme that first aired in 1989 and has been classified a PG certificate. The Doorman has no rating, but Seinfeld is a 5/5 star programme.
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Seinfeld: The DoormanSeries 6, episode 18Written by Larry David , Jerry Seinfeld , Tom Gammill , Gregg Kavet , Max Pross , Andy Robin , Carol Leifer Directed by Andy Ackerman Originally Aired On: Thursday, 16 March 1995Jerry runs afoul of a doorman (Larry Miller); Kramer invents a bra for men. Elaine offends Mr. Pitt's neighbor. Sid: Patrick Cronin. Mrs. Payton: Gwen Van Dam. Frank: Jerry Stiller. Click to see when Seinfeld, The Doorman is coming up on UK TV Cast
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