PG certificateOnly Fools and Horses is a Sitcom programme that first aired in 1981 and has been classified a PG certificate.

Thicker than Water has no rating, but Only Fools and Horses is a 5/5 star programme.
5 star rating
Image for episode "Thicker than Water" from Sitcom programme "Only Fools and Horses"

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Only Fools and Horses: Thicker than Water

Series 3, episode 8

Del and Rodney's Christmas celebrations are disrupted by the unexpected arrival of their estranged father - leaving the brothers doubtful they can trust him after such a long absence. Another chance to see the 1983 festive special of John Sullivan's comedy

Cast (unconfirmed)

Image for David JasonDavid Jason
Image for Nicholas LyndhurstNicholas Lyndhurst
Lennard Pearce
Peter Woodthorpe
Michele Winstanley