PG certificateMy Family is a Sitcom programme that first aired in 2000 and has been classified a PG certificate.

Blind Justice has no rating, but My Family is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for Sitcom programme "My Family"

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My Family: Blind Justice

Series 4, episode 7

Directed by
Dewi Humphreys

Originally Aired On: Friday, 02 May 2003

Comedy following the trials and tribulations of a harassed dentist and his family. Starring Robert Lindsay and Zoe Wanamaker. Ben is on jury service, and Susan is suffering from 'hysterical blindness' after finding Michael in bed with a girl.


Keiron Self...Roger Bailey Jnr.
Image for Robert LindsayRobert Lindsay...Ben
Image for Zoë WanamakerZoë Wanamaker...Susan
Image for Kris MarshallKris Marshall...Nick Harper
Gabriel Thomson...Michael Harper
Siobhan Hayes...Abi
Sylvestra Le Touzel...Joanna
Rachel Harvey...Fiona
Paul Butterworth...Brian
Image for Margaret JohnMargaret John...Woman Juror 1
Javone Prince...Martin Douglas
David McKail...Usher