My Family is a Sitcom programme that first aired in 2000 and has been classified a PG certificate. Germs of Endearment has no rating, but My Family is a 4/5 star programme.
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TagsLinksMy Family: Germs of EndearmentSeries 11, episode 4Written by Ed Dyson Directed by Ed Bye Originally Aired On: Friday, 15 July 2011Michael and Janey treat their parents to a Spanish holiday for their anniversary, but the flight is a living hell as Ben picks fights with his fellow passengers - and then there is the little matter of the virus outbreak that forces them into quarantine at the airport on arrival. Back home, Michael admits he charged the all-expenses-paid trip to his dad's credit card - now all he needs is a quick way of paying it back Click to see when My Family, Germs of Endearment is coming up on UK TV Cast
Database last updated: 26 December - 19:20