PG certificateMy Family is a Sitcom programme that first aired in 2000 and has been classified a PG certificate.

Germs of Endearment has no rating, but My Family is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for episode "Germs of Endearment" from Sitcom programme "My Family"

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My Family: Germs of Endearment

Series 11, episode 4

Written by
Directed by
Ed Bye

Originally Aired On: Friday, 15 July 2011

Michael and Janey treat their parents to a Spanish holiday for their anniversary, but the flight is a living hell as Ben picks fights with his fellow passengers - and then there is the little matter of the virus outbreak that forces them into quarantine at the airport on arrival. Back home, Michael admits he charged the all-expenses-paid trip to his dad's credit card - now all he needs is a quick way of paying it back


Image for Robert LindsayRobert Lindsay...Ben Harper
Image for Zoë WanamakerZoë Wanamaker...Susan Harper
Image for Daniela Denby-AsheDaniela Denby-Ashe...Janey Harper
Gabriel Thomson...Michael Harper
Image for Jeff RawleJeff Rawle...Thorndyke
Daniel Hill...Anecdote Passenger
Clive Rowe...Nervous Passenger
Cicely Giddings...Sister Brenda
Elizabeth Bower...Laura
Tom Price...Laura's Partner
Karina Fernandez...Flight Attendant
Daniel Stevens...Pepe
Vidal Sancho...Isolation Controller
Elizabeth Power...Girl