12 certificateMad About You is a Sitcom programme that first aired in 1992 and has been classified a 12 certificate.

The Couple has no rating, but Mad About You is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
Image for Sitcom programme "Mad About You"

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Mad About You: The Couple

Series 4, episode 8

Originally Aired On: Sunday, 26 November 1995

Comedy about a young couple trying to survive life in Manhattan. Paul and Jamie make a surprise discovery about a pair of new friends.


Image for Paul ReiserPaul Reiser...Paul Buchman
Image for Helen HuntHelen Hunt...Jamie Stemple Buchman
Leila Kenzle...Fran Devanow
John Pankow...Ira Buchman
Bob Amaral...Furniture Mover
Gilbert Gottfried...Spanky's Owner
Image for Gates McFaddenGates McFadden...Allison Rourke
Brian McNamara...Doug
Bill Saluga...Mr. Fefvil
David Steinberg...Neighbor
Fred Stoller...Mischa's Owner
Lisa Waltz...Didi