12 certificateMad About You is a Sitcom programme that first aired in 1992 and has been classified a 12 certificate.

Everybody Hates Me has no rating, but Mad About You is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
Image for Sitcom programme "Mad About You"

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Mad About You: Everybody Hates Me

Series 4, episode 15

Directed by
Thomas Schlamme

Originally Aired On: Sunday, 10 March 1996

Comedy series about a young couple trying to survive their meddling friends, their families and life in Manhattan. Ira's heart is broken by a girlfriend.


Image for Paul ReiserPaul Reiser...Paul Buchman
Image for Helen HuntHelen Hunt...Jamie Stemple Buchman
John Pankow...Ira Buchman
Image for Hank AzariaHank Azaria...Nat Ostertag
Robin Bartlett...Debbie Buchman
Image for Richard KindRichard Kind...Mark
Pierrino Mascarino...Giuseppe
Fabiana Udenio...Sophia