Grace Under Fire is a Sitcom programme that first aired in 1993 and has been classified a 12 certificate.
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Grace Under Fire (1993)
Although Grace Kelly (Brett Butler) has come from an abusive alcoholic relationship with her ex husband Jimmy (Geoffrey Pierson) and is struggling to bring up her children, Libby (Kaitlin Cullum), Patrick and Quentin (Sam Horrigan) this show still finds hilarious humour in her relationships with her oil refinery work collegues and neighbours, Wade (Casey Sander) and Nadine Swoboda (Julie White), and Russel Norton (Dave Thomas), the bachelor pharmacist.
Genre: SitcomRunning Time: 30 minutes (approx)Production Year: 1993Rating: 3/5 Stars Classification: 12 CertificateProduction Country: USAMain Cast