PG certificateBless This House is a Sitcom programme that first aired in 1971 and has been classified a PG certificate.

Bless This House is a 4 star programme

Image for the Sitcom programme "Bless This House"

Seasons in Detail

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Bless This House (1971)

Directed by
William G. Stewart

Sid is very surprised to find a well under his house. Seventies comedy, starring Sid James as the head of the family, struggling to keep his wife and children in order.

Written by , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Genre: Sitcom

Running Time: 30 minutes (approx)

Production Year: 1971

4/5 Stars

Classification: PG Certificate

Production Country: UK

When is Bless This House next on TV?

It's next showing on ITV3 February 22nd, 6:00am and on ITV3 February 23rd, 1:50am. See more...

Main Cast

Image for Sidney JamesSidney James...Sid Abbott, Sid Abbott/Alf Carter
Diana Coupland...Jean Abbott
Sally Geeson...Sally Abbott
Robin Stewart...Mike Abbott
Anthony Jackson...Trevor Lewis
Patsy Rowlands...Betty Lewis
James Appleby...Lorry Driver, Policeman, Van driver
Donald Morley...Police Sgt., Policeman, Prison Warden, Station Sgt.
John Caesar...Angry Man, Bus conductor, Man in the woods, Milkman
Gay Soper...Angela, Janice
Ivan Beavis...Charlie, Policeman
Roger Avon...Electricity Board Man, House Purchaser, News Reader
Harry Littlewood...Telephone Operator, Vicar, Water Board Inspector
Margot Lister...Middle-aged Lady, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Harrison
Robert Raglan...George Humphries, Sir Maxwell
Irene Peters...Charity Walker, Student
Terence Alexander...Dr. McClaren, Dr. McLaren
Jean Aubrey...Receptionist
David Battley...Mr. Jones, Wally
Tony Melody...Owen