Horizon is a Scientific Documentary programme.

The Secret Life of the Cat has no rating, but Horizon is a 4/5 star programme.
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Horizon: The Secret Life of the Cat

Series 1969, episode 0

Directed by (unconfirmed)
Helen Sage

In The Secret Life of the Cat, 50 cats were fitted with GPS collars to track their every movement, and cat-cams to record their unique view of the world. In this groundbreaking experiment, a few cats stood out. They include the intruder cat, an unneutered tomcat, who comes into the village and seems to have no owner; the hunter, who prefers food that he can catch and kill to anything his owners might buy him; and the deserter cat who has abandoned his home in favour of a new set of owners. This film reveals that the relationship between cats and their owners isn't quite what we imagine. episode 13

Cast (unconfirmed)

Aidan Laverty
Zoe Heron
Helen Sage
Olly Bootle