Horizon is a Scientific Documentary programme.

Are Video Games Really That Bad? has no rating, but Horizon is a 4/5 star programme.
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Image for episode "Are Video Games Really That Bad?" from Scientific Documentary programme "Horizon"

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Horizon: Are Video Games Really That Bad?

Series 1355, episode 0

Horizon explores the differing opinions on video gaming. The video game industry is a global phenomenon. There are over 1.2 billion gamers across the planet, with sales projected soon to pass $100 billion per year. But their very popularity fuels the controversy that surrounds them. They frequently stand accused of corrupting the young - of causing violence and addiction. But is this true? Horizon reveals a scientific community deeply divided. Some are convinced that video games incite aggression. Others insist they have no effect whatsoever on real-world violence. But away from the controversy, there is a growing body of evidence that suggests video games may help keep the brain sharp, and could soon revolutionise how we combat mental decline as we age.