Bang Goes the Theory is a Scientific Documentary programme.

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3 star rating
Image for Scientific Documentary programme "Bang Goes the Theory"

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Bang Goes the Theory: Big Data

Series 8, episode 3

Series presenting the science behind the headlines, and looking at the issues that have a real impact on all our lives. With the technology we use every day beginning to share, store and analyse our data, the team look at how the use of our information now known as big data will change the world in ways unimaginable. Liz Bonnin looks at how big data monitors Rolls Royce jet engines dozens of times a second wherever they are in the world, and how that same system of analytics can automatically detect secondary brain injury in intensive care units. Jem Stansfield creates a low-tech computer and storage system with hacksaw blades and magnets. And with the government about to allow private companies access to our medical data, Maggie Philbin examines the dark side of big data: privacy. Just how much information on each and every one of us is out there, and how easy is it to find?