The Twilight Zone is a Science Fiction Series programme.

The Grave has no rating, but The Twilight Zone is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for Science Fiction Series programme "The Twilight Zone"

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The Twilight Zone: The Grave

Series 3, episode 7

Directed by (unconfirmed)
Montgomery Pittman

A hired gunman discovers that one of his victims can still wreak revenge - even after death. Guest starring Lee Marvin as Lonny Miller, Strother Martin as Mothershed, Lee Van Cleef as Gambler, Stafford Repp as Ira Broadly, Richard Geary as Pinto and James Best as Johnny Rob. Directed by Montgomery Pittman. Presented by Rod Serling.

Cast (unconfirmed)

Image for Lee MarvinLee Marvin
Strother Martin
Image for Lee Van CleefLee Van Cleef
Stafford Repp
Dick Geary
James Best
Ellen Willrad
William Challee
Larry Johns