Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is a Science Fiction Series programme.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is a 5 star programme

Image for the Science Fiction Series programme "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine"

Seasons in Detail

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Bashir and O'Brien play a dangerous game with maverick covert group Section 31 in a bid to get their hands on a cure for Odo's disease, and Kira's guerrilla tactics meet with resistance from Cardassian rebels. Meanwhile, tensions run high in the Klingon hierarchy as Worf is forced to take extreme measures. Starring Alexander Siddig.

Genre: Science Fiction Series

Running Time: 45 minutes (approx)

5/5 Stars

When is Star Trek: Deep Space Nine next on TV?

It's next showing on Sky Mix Tonight, 6:00pm and on Sky Mix Tomorrow, 6:00pm. See more...

Main Cast

Image for Avery BrooksAvery Brooks...Commander/Cap. Sisko
Image for Rene AuberjonoisRene Auberjonois...Curzon Dax, Douglas Pabst, Odo
Cirroc Lofton...Jake Sisko, Jake Sisko/Jimmy
Image for Colm MeaneyColm Meaney...Albert Macklin, Chief O'Brien, Falcon, Smiley, Tobin Dax
Image for Alexander SiddigAlexander Siddig...Doctor/Cap. Bashir
Image for Armin ShimermanArmin Shimerman...Audrid Dax, Herbert Rossoff, Quark
Image for Nana VisitorNana Visitor...Anastasia Komananov, Col. Kira, Col./Intendant Kira, Kay Eaton, Lela Dax, Lola Chrystal, Major Kira, Major/Intendant Kira
Image for Terry FarrellTerry Farrell...Darlene Kursky, Honey Bare, Jadzia Dax, Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax, Lt. Jadzia Dax
Image for Michael DornMichael Dorn...Duchamps, Lt. Commander Worf, Lt. Commander/Regent Worf, Willie Hawkins
Mark Allen Shepherd...Morn, Morn/Bar Patron in Morn's Chair
Judi M. Durand...Cardassian Computer Voice
Aron Eisenberg...Nog, Nog/Patron in Vic's Lounge, Vendor
Randy James...Guard, Jones, Officer, Security
Max Grodénchik...Patron in Vic's Lounge, Rom, Rom/Grand Nagus Gint
Andrew Robinson...Garak
Image for Marc AlaimoMarc Alaimo...Gul Dukat, Officer Ryan
Jeffrey Combs...Brunt, Officer Mulkahey, Tiron, Weyoun, Weyoun/Patron in Vic's Lounge
Image for Majel BarrettMajel Barrett...Federation Computer Voice, Lwaxana Troi
J.G. Hertzler...Laas, Martok, Martok/Patron in Vic's Lounge, Roy Ritterhouse, Vulcan Captain
Rosalind Chao...Keiko O'Brien