Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is a Science Fiction Series programme.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is a 5 star programme

Image for the Science Fiction Series programme "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine"

Seasons in Detail

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Kira's negotiation skills are put to the test when an alien race lands on Deep Space Nine and insists Bajor is its legendary homeland.

Genre: Science Fiction Series

Running Time: 45 minutes (approx)

5/5 Stars

When is Star Trek: Deep Space Nine next on TV?

It's next showing on Sky Mix July 29th, 6:00pm and on Sky Mix July 30th, 6:00pm. See more...

Main Cast

Image for Avery BrooksAvery Brooks...Commander/Cap. Sisko
Image for Rene AuberjonoisRene Auberjonois...Curzon Dax, Douglas Pabst, Odo
Cirroc Lofton...Jake Sisko, Jake Sisko/Jimmy
Image for Colm MeaneyColm Meaney...Albert Macklin, Chief O'Brien, Falcon, Smiley, Tobin Dax
Image for Alexander SiddigAlexander Siddig...Doctor/Cap. Bashir
Image for Armin ShimermanArmin Shimerman...Audrid Dax, Herbert Rossoff, Quark
Image for Nana VisitorNana Visitor...Anastasia Komananov, Col. Kira, Col./Intendant Kira, Kay Eaton, Lela Dax, Lola Chrystal, Major Kira, Major/Intendant Kira
Image for Terry FarrellTerry Farrell...Darlene Kursky, Honey Bare, Jadzia Dax, Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax, Lt. Jadzia Dax
Image for Michael DornMichael Dorn...Duchamps, Lt. Commander Worf, Lt. Commander/Regent Worf, Willie Hawkins
Mark Allen Shepherd...Morn, Morn/Bar Patron in Morn's Chair
Judi M. Durand...Cardassian Computer Voice
Aron Eisenberg...Nog, Nog/Patron in Vic's Lounge, Vendor
Randy James...Guard, Jones, Officer, Security
Max Grodénchik...Patron in Vic's Lounge, Rom, Rom/Grand Nagus Gint
Andrew Robinson...Garak
Image for Marc AlaimoMarc Alaimo...Gul Dukat, Officer Ryan
Jeffrey Combs...Brunt, Officer Mulkahey, Tiron, Weyoun, Weyoun/Patron in Vic's Lounge
Image for Majel BarrettMajel Barrett...Federation Computer Voice, Lwaxana Troi
J.G. Hertzler...Laas, Martok, Martok/Patron in Vic's Lounge, Roy Ritterhouse, Vulcan Captain
Rosalind Chao...Keiko O'Brien