Doctor Who: Mawdryn Undead

Series 20, episode 3

Written by
Directed by
Ron Jones

Originally Aired On: Tuesday, 11 January 1983

Another adventure for the errant Time Lord, this time teaming up with his old companion the Brigadier and pitting his wits against the evil of the Black Guardian. Who is Turlough - and what has happened to the Brigadier since the Doctor left him on Earth? Both questions are answered when the Doctor finds his life is threatened by a seemingly innocent public school boy.


Image for Peter DavisonPeter Davison...The Doctor
Sarah Sutton...Nyssa
Janet Fielding...Tegan Jovanka
Leonard Sachs...Lord President Borusa
Michael Patrick Gough...Councillor Hedin
Ian Collier...Omega
Colin Baker...Commander Maxil
Paul Jerrico...The Castellan
Neil Daglish...Damon
Elspet Gray...Chancellor Thalia
Max Harvey...Cardinal Zorac
Andrew Boxer...Robin Stuart
Alastair Cumming...Colin Frazer
Malcolm Harvey...Ergon