Doctor Who: Arc of Infinity

Series 20, episode 1

Written by
Directed by
Ron Jones

Originally Aired On: Monday, 03 January 1983

Classic adventure in time and space from the Eighties. What is the mystery in Amsterdam - and why is the Doctor's life threatened? A phenomenon know as the Arc of Infinity needs to bond with a Time Lord to remain stable. The Doctor, naturally, is chosen as the sacrifice. One of the Doctor's old Gallifreyan enemies might just be about to return to threaten the universe...


Image for Peter DavisonPeter Davison...The Doctor
Sarah Sutton...Nyssa
Leonard Sachs...Lord President Borusa
Michael Patrick Gough...Councillor Hedin
Ian Collier...The Renegade
Colin Baker...Commander Maxil
Paul Jerrico...The Castellan
Neil Daglish...Damon
Elspet Gray...Chancellor Thalia
Max Harvey...Cardinal Zorac
Andrew Boxer...Robin Stuart
Alastair Cumming...Colin Frazer
John D. Collins...Talor
Maya Woolfe...Hostel Receptionist
Malcolm Harvey...Ergon
Bob Goodman...Time Lord
Guy Groen...Receptionist
Colin Thomas...Time Lord