Songs of Praise is a Religious programme.

New Beginnings has no rating, but Songs of Praise is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for Religious programme "Songs of Praise"

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Songs of Praise: New Beginnings

Series 258, episode 0

The Rev Kate Bottley celebrates spring on a farm run by Christians in Derbyshire. Owners Roger and Beryl have offered a fresh start to local young people for 40 years by giving them work on the farm. JB Gill meets a Christian couple attending a church-run marriage-preparation course. Methodists in Derby open a brand new townhouse to replace their old church building. There is also a tribute to the late Billy Graham, the US evangelist who affected millions of Christians around the world and who died in February. The programme has hymns old and new, including Be Thou My Vision, And Can It Be, and Our God Is Greater. The Irish hymn St Patrick's Breastplate marks St Patrick's Day, and a performance of Drop Drop Slow Tears reminds us we are in the season of Lent