Songs of Praise is a Religious programme.

Faith and Marriage has no rating, but Songs of Praise is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for Religious programme "Songs of Praise"

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Songs of Praise: Faith and Marriage

Series 1606, episode 0

During the summer wedding season, Claire McCollum celebrates faith and marriage by visiting a couple in Cheshire whose wedding was fully organised by a church for just £1,000 thanks to Christian volunteers from the congregation. The Rev Kate Bottley meets members of the United Reformed Church, who three years ago voted to allow same-sex marriages in their churches, and a Christian same-sex couple who are able to marry in church as a result of this change

Cast (unconfirmed)

Claire McCollom
Claire McCollum
The Rev Kate Bottley
JB Gill
Cat Lewis
Emyr Afan
Matthew Napier
Mark Warburton