Songs of Praise is a Religious programme.

Pentecost has no rating, but Songs of Praise is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for Religious programme "Songs of Praise"

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Songs of Praise: Pentecost

Series 1263, episode 0

Directed by (unconfirmed)
Robin Anderson

Religious thoughts and music. On Pentecost Sunday, Diane Louise Jordan tells the story of George Jeffreys, the founder of Elim Pentecostal Church. She meets the missionaries who use the beautiful game to preach and a family who have changed from saving money to saving souls. Festive music includes the hymns O God of Burning, Cleansing Flame, Joy in this Place and Meekness and Majesty.

Cast (unconfirmed)

The Rev Kate Bottley
JB Gill