Songs of Praise is a Religious programme.

A Year in Hymns has no rating, but Songs of Praise is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for episode "A Year in Hymns" from Religious programme "Songs of Praise"

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Songs of Praise: A Year in Hymns

Series 114, episode 0

Pam Rhodes visits Launde Abbey in Leicestershire. She and fellow presenters Aled Jones, Sean Fletcher, Laura Wright and Claire McCollum reflect on some of their favourite hymns and inspiring stories of faith and hope from 2024. The Rev Kate Bottley offers a prayer for the New Year ahead and there's a festive performance from Katherine Jenkins

Cast (unconfirmed)

Pam Rhodes
Image for Aled JonesAled Jones
Sean Fletcher
Laura Wright
Claire McCollum
The Rev Kate Bottley
Katherine Jenkins