Don't Tell the Bride is a Reality Show programme.

Harry and Mellissa has no rating, but Don't Tell the Bride is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
Image for Reality Show programme "Don't Tell the Bride"

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Don't Tell the Bride: Harry and Mellissa

Series 1, episode 0

Another brave bride is ready to take a back seat and let her groom organise their big day. 24-year-old Harry and his 28-year-old fiancee Mel live in a beautiful seaside village called Manorbier on the Pembrokeshire coast in south Wales. Harry is a hard-working fisherman, loves everything about the sea and is drawn to it at any opportunity. Mel is a mobile hairdresser and her world is very different to Harry's. She is self-conscious and always likes to look good for her man. To keep Harry interested, she spends six nights a week at the gym, but although Mel loves her man, she does not love his job. She hates the sea, is terrified of boats and prefers a classy night out instead of fishing in the early morning. So does Harry put his love of the sea before the love of his life? With a bride that finds it hard to trust him, will he get led astray? Can this fisherman really give this land-loving girl the wedding of her dreams?