A Point of View is a Political programme.

A Point of View

Weekly reflections on topical issues with a range of contributors.

Genre: Political

Running Time: 10 minutes (approx)

When is A Point of View next on TV?

It's next showing on BBC Radio 4 Tomorrow, 8:48am and on BBC Radio 4 August 2nd, 8:50pm. See more...

Main Cast

John F. Gray
Brian Walden
Sara Wheeler
David Goodhart
Tom Shakespeare
Bernardine Evaristo
Richard Fenton-Smith
Howard Jacobson
Bridget Harney
Trevor Phillips
Zoe Strimpel
Niall Ferguson
Linda Colley
Megan Nolan
Georgina Scull
Rebecca Stott
Penny Murphy
Adam Gopnik
Michael Morpurgo
Will Self