Countryfile is a Nature programme.

The Peaks has no rating, but Countryfile is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
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Countryfile: The Peaks

Series 596, episode 0

Ellie Harrison and Matt Baker are in the Peaks in Derbyshire, looking at how the geology there gives rise to two distinct landforms - the Dark Peak and the White Peak. Matt is in the White Peak discovering that the limestone that characterises the region is the remnant of an ancient tropical reef. Ellie is in the Dark Peak, where it's gritstone that marks out the landscape. She takes a walk with an artist who maps the land and creates three-dimensional maps in metal. Ellie then ventures further north to catch a glimpse of England's last remaining population of mountain hares. Sean Fletcher is at Haddon Hall helping with some of the restoration of this famous building. Adam Henson recounts the story of the tractor, from its origins in the age of steam to the hi-tech GPS-guided self-driving tractors of today. Tom Heap finds out that not everyone is pleased to see the return of wild boars to the Forest of Dean