Countryfile is a Nature programme.

Rame Peninsula has no rating, but Countryfile is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
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Countryfile: Rame Peninsula

Series 27, episode 0

Ellie Harrison is on Cornwall's Rame Peninsula to visit Mount Edgcumbe, where the UK's first ever native dark honeybee reserve has just opened. Previously thought to be all but extinct in the UK, an almost pure and distinctive population has been identified here, and although they make up only one per cent of the bee population, it is thought they might hold the key to more sustainable beekeeping - Ellie finds out how. The programme also catches up with Malcolm Baker, the last traditional fisherman in the Rame Peninsula, who features in a film that captures the old traditions of fishing in the region with the idea of passing on dying skills to the next generation. And Tom Heap is on the hunt for traditional British craftsmen and women. With many heritage crafts dying out, Tom is keen to find out what can be done to save them