Countryfile is a Nature programme.

Lancashire has no rating, but Countryfile is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
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Countryfile: Lancashire

Series 27, episode 0

Countryfile is in Lancashire, where Matt Baker learns all about the Easter tradition of pace egg rolling. He meets the artist who decorates eggs for a living, joins schoolchildren decorating theirs, then takes part in a pace egg rolling challenge. He also does the rounds with a young entrepreneur who has found a niche delivering fresh eggs to people in his local area. Anita Rani takes to the hills as she follows the 'Lancashire Witches Walk', set up to commemorate the witch trials which took place 400 years ago. She takes in the Forest of Bowland and Pendle Hill, joins some volunteers for a bit of coppicing and gets to make a witches besom broom. Steve Brown is at Brockholes nature reserve where he hopes to glimpse one of the spectacles of spring - boxing hares. Adam Henson is looking to buy some rare large black pigs. Tom Heap travels to Denmark, where an MRSA bug has infected almost all of the country's pigs. Is it something pig farmers need to worry about back home in the UK?