Countryfile is a Nature programme.

South Yorkshire has no rating, but Countryfile is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
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Countryfile: South Yorkshire

Series 1477, episode 0

Ellie is in South Yorkshire, right on the border of the Peak District, following in the footsteps of the Clarion Ramblers. They were England's first working men's walking society and were founded by the legendary GHB Ward. Ellie joins historians Roly Smith and Terry Howard to find out more about the Ramblers and their visionary founder. She also meets poet and songwriter Sally Goldsmith who draws inspiration from the Clarion guidebooks, and writes songs about the South Yorkshire landscape she loves. Finally, Ellie visits the Peak District where she meets former Clarion Ramblers Les Johnson and Graham Baxby, who actually walked with Ward. And to help prompt their memories Ellie has brought with her Wards actual rucksack and walking jacket. The winner of this year's Countryfile Photographic Competition is revealed. Tom's giving up the countryside for the streets of Sheffield, where an argument is raging over the future of the city's trees