Essential Classics is a Music programme.

Essential Classics

Ian Skelly presents a selection of music and features, including new discoveries, musical surprises and plenty of familiar favourites. 10.00 Playlist starter - listen and send in ideas for the next step in our musical journey today. 10.30 Song of the Day - harnessing the magic of words, music and the human voice. 11.00 Playlist reveal - a sequence of music suggested by listeners in response to the starter. 11.45 Slow Moment - time to take a break for a moment's musical reflection. 12.30 Album of the Week.

Genre: Music

Running Time: 180 minutes (approx)

When is Essential Classics next on TV?

It's next showing on BBC Radio 3 July 29th, 9:30am and on BBC Radio 3 July 30th, 9:30am. See more...

Main Cast

Ian Skelly
Georgia Mann
Rebecca Bean
Kevin Bee
Elizabeth Funning
Kate Molleson
Tom McKinney
Ellie Mant
Georgia Mann-Smith
Suzy Klein
Petroc Trelawny
Natalie Clein
David Fay
Steven Isserlis
Angela Hewitt
Pekka Kuusisto
Emma Kirkby
Semyon Bychkov
Gabriela Montero
Elizabeth Arno