Children's Craniofacial Surgery is a Health programme that first aired in 2011.

Smile has no rating, but Children's Craniofacial Surgery is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for Health programme "Children's Craniofacial Surgery"

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Children's Craniofacial Surgery: Smile

Series 1, episode 2

Series following the surgeons of the Oxford Craniofacial Unit and the children, often with rare syndromes, they treat. The work can be risky but it transforms lives. Salina, aged seven, has Toulouse Lautrec syndrome. Her parents are told she needs major surgery to address the way her skull is constricting her brain and her breathing. But the operation will change her face radically. 'It won't change her temperament or her character - but it will alter her face' explains surgeon David Johnson. Harry is older, and has Moebius syndrome, giving him paralysis of the facial muscles. However cheerful he feels, he can't smile. His parents left the choice of surgery up to him, and now he's elected to have a major operation called 'smile surgery' to enable him to smile for the first time. In other cases, three-month-old Alfie is transformed by cleft lip surgery, and six-month-old Daisy has surgery to address the shape of her head