PG certificateThe Sorcerer's Apprentice is a Film programme that first aired in 2010 and has been classified a PG certificate.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice is a 3 star programme

Image for the Film programme "The Sorcerer's Apprentice"

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The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010)

Directed by
Jon Turteltaub

When wizards Balthazar Blake (Nicolas Cage) and Maxim Hovath (Alfred Molina) are freed from an ancient urn, the villainous Hovath recommences his fight to unleash evil sorceress Morgana Le Fey (Alice Krige) on the world. With Morgana's spirit locked up in ancient artefact the Grimhold, Balthazar enlists nerdy physics student Dave Stutler (Jay Baruchel) to help halt his nemesis's malevolent pursuit. His apprentice reluctantly begins lessons in the art of magic, unaware that he is the 'Prime Merlinian' and destined to succeed his master in the battle to slay Morgana.

Cage reunites with the director of the National Treasure series for this fun-packed, effects-laden fantasy. Inspired by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's 18th-century poem, by way of Mickey Mouse, the mischief and mayhem of the story lends itself to some pleasing comedy and thrilling CGI. The requisite moments of spectacle are strung together ably by the likeable and talented performers, with Baruchel loveably dopey and Molina deliciously evil.

In competition with Potter and pals, it may not cast everyone under its spell, but The Sorcerer's Apprentice does have its moments of magic.

Written by ,

Genre: Film

Running Time: 109 minutes (approx)

Production Year: 2010

3/5 Stars

Classification: PG Certificate

Production Country: USA

Filmed in Colour


Image for Nicolas CageNicolas Cage...Balthazar Blake
Image for Jay BaruchelJay Baruchel...Dave
Image for Alfred MolinaAlfred Molina...Maxim Horvath
Image for Teresa PalmerTeresa Palmer...Becky Barnes
Toby Kebbell...Drake Stone
Omar Benson Miller...Bennet
Monica Bellucci...Veronica
Image for Alice KrigeAlice Krige...Morgana le Fay
Jake Cherry...Young Dave
James A. Stephens...Merlin
Gregory Woo...Sun-Lok
Wai Ching Ho...Chinese Woman
Image for Jason R. MooreJason R. Moore...Subway Mugger
Image for Robert CapronRobert Capron...Young Dave's Pal
Peyton List...Young Becky