18 certificateThe Invisible Dead is a Film programme that first aired in 1971 and has been classified a 18 certificate.

The Invisible Dead is a 2 star programme


The Invisible Dead (1971)

Directed by
Pierre Chevalier

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Genre: Film

Running Time: 115 minutes (approx)

Production Year: 1971

2/5 Stars

Classification: 18 Certificate

Production Country: France/Spain

Filmed in Colour


Howard Vernon...Le professeur Orloff
Brigitte Carva...Cécile Orloff
Fernando Sancho...Le garde-chasse
Paco Valladares...Le docteur Garondet
Isabel del Río...Marie
Evane Hanska...La servante
Arlette Balkis
May Chartrette
Christian Forges
Eugène Berthier...Le vieux serviteur