PG certificateThe Brothers is a Film programme that first aired in 1947 and has been classified a PG certificate.

The Brothers is a 3 star programme


The Brothers (1947)

Directed by
David MacDonald

Two feuding families living on a remote island in western Scotland are brought together by an orphan but her friendships on both sides of the feud has tragic consequences.

Written by ,

Genre: Film

Running Time: 120 minutes (approx)

Production Year: 1947

3/5 Stars

Classification: PG Certificate

Production Country: UK

Filmed in Black and White


Patricia Roc...Mary
Will Fyffe...Aeneas McGrath
Maxwell Reed...Fergus Macrae
Finlay Currie...Hector Macrae
John Laurie...Dugald
Andrew Crawford...Willie McFarish
Duncan Macrae...John Macrae
Morland Graham...Angus McFarish
Megs Jenkins...Angustina McFarish
James Woodburn...Priest
David McAllister...George McFarish
Patrick Boxill...The Informer