In Alexander Payne's bittersweet comedy, two buddies, Miles (Paul Giamatti, pictured, left) and Jack (Thomas Haden-Church, pictured, right), embark on Jack's stag week. It's a tasting trip around California's wine country, with oenophile Miles leading the way.
Miles may be a wine expert, but he's also a bitter divorcee, depressed and in love with a waitress, Maya (Virginia Madsen), whose presence always leaves him tongue-tied. Jack is a faded actor who can't quite resign himself to marriage when there are still obtainable women in the world, married or not, and when he meets Stephanie (Sandra Oh) at a tasting, he swears Miles to secrecy about the wedding.
As the foursome continue their tasting trip, so their past lives are hinted at, from bitterness at lost opportunities to moments of happiness. Somehow, Miles finds the right words, ironically through a tasting analogy, to tell Maya how he feels, while Jack's treatment of the trusting Stephanie inevitably leads to his downfall. The film, a delightful modern classic, picked up an Oscar and a BAFTA.