Secret Headquarters is a Film programme that first aired in 2022 and has been classified a PG certificate. TagsSecret Headquarters (2022)Fourteen-year-old Charlie Kincaid yearns for a deeper connection to his father Jack, who frequently disappears at short notice for work. When an IT conference interrupts Charlie's birthday, the teenager invites friends to a party at his father's house, and they stumble upon a subterranean, gizmo-laden lair. Comedy adventure, starring Owen Wilson, Walker Scobell and Michael Pena. Genre: FilmRunning Time: 125 minutes (approx)Production Year: 2022Classification: PG CertificateFilmed in ColourWhen is Secret Headquarters next on TV?It's next showing on Film4 January 2nd, 2025, 4:25pm and on Film4 Plus 1 January 2nd, 2025, 5:25pm. See more... Cast (unconfirmed)
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