Perfect Life, Perfect Lies is a Film programme that first aired in 2016 and has been classified a PG certificate. TagsPerfect Life, Perfect Lies (2016)Thriller in which four friends reunite at their high school reunion where they unearth a time capsule in which they buried their deepest, darkest secrets. Genre: FilmRunning Time: 105 minutes (approx)Production Year: 2016Rating: |
Kacey Clarke | ... | Carly Newman | |
Kayla Ewell | ... | Patty Garner | |
Jillian Nelson | ... | Rose Crenshaw | |
Anya Engel-Adams | ... | Erica Campbell | |
Johnny Pacar | ... | Shane Conley | |
Bryce Durfee | ... | Chase Majors | |
Abigail Klein | ... | Abby Edwards | |
Thea Gill | ... | Mrs. Edwards | |
Leonel Claude | ... | Alumni | |
Yolanda English | ... | Alumni | |
Kate Hamilton | ... | pool party Girl | |
Mayra Juarez | ... | Alumni | |
Diana Lado | ... | Brunch Patron | |
Dez Mabunga | ... | Brunch Attendee | |
Gary Palmer | ... | Alumni |