15 certificateMurder in Coweta County is a Film programme that first aired in 1983 and has been classified a 15 certificate.

Murder in Coweta County is a 4 star programme


Murder in Coweta County (1983)

Directed by
Gary Nelson

Johnny Cash stars as an incorruptible local sheriff who is determined to bring a wealthy land owner to justice.

Written by ,

Genre: Film

Running Time: 105 minutes (approx)

Production Year: 1983

4/5 Stars

Classification: 15 Certificate

Production Country: USA

Filmed in Colour

Made for TV


Johnny Cash...Lamar Potts
Andy Griffith...John Wallace
Earl Hindman...J.H. Potts
June Carter Cash...Mayhayley Lancaster
Cindi Knight...Julia Turner
Ed Van Nuys...Huddleston