15 certificateDjango Kills Softly is a Film programme that first aired in 1968 and has been classified a 15 certificate.

Django Kills Softly is a 3 star programme

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Django Kills Softly (1968)

Directed by
Massimo Pupillo

Django arrives in the town of Santa Anna to find that the man he was due to meet has been mysteriously murdered.

Written by ,

Also known as "Bill il taciturno"

Genre: Film

Running Time: 95 minutes (approx)

Production Year: 1968

3/5 Stars

Classification: 15 Certificate

Production Country: Italy/France

Filmed in Colour


Image for George EastmanGeorge Eastman...Django
Luciano Rossi...Dr. Thompson
Liana Orfei...Linda
Domenico Maggio...El Santo
Peter Hellman
Spartaco Conversi...Miguel
Claudio Biava
Federico Boido...The Nervous One
Paul Marou...Steve
Antonio Toma...Pedro
Martial Boschero
Giovanna Lenzi
Ilona Drash
Enrico Manera
Federico Pietrabruna