18 certificateDemonoid, Messenger of Death is a Film programme that first aired in 1981 and has been classified a 18 certificate.

Demonoid, Messenger of Death is a 2 star programme


Demonoid, Messenger of Death (1981)

Directed by
Alfredo Zacarias

When a man finds a severed hand in a Mexican mine he becomes possessed by it, committing despicable acts of violence. Next in the line of fire is his wife...

Written by ,

Genre: Film

Running Time: 115 minutes (approx)

Production Year: 1981

2/5 Stars

Classification: 18 Certificate

Production Country: Mexico/USA

Filmed in Colour


Samantha Eggar...Jennifer Baines
Stuart Whitman...Father Cunningham
Roy Jenson...Mark Baines
Lew Saunders...Sgt. Leo Matson
Narciso Busquets...Dr. Julian Rivkin
José Chávez...Pepe