Congo Maisie is a Film programme that first aired in 1940.

Congo Maisie is a 3 star programme


Congo Maisie (1940)

Directed by
H.C. Potter

A showgirl is left stranded in an African village. She's given refuge by an attractive but hard-boiled local doctor and soon finds herself warding off an attack by natives.

Written by ,

Genre: Film

Running Time: 75 minutes (approx)

Production Year: 1940

3/5 Stars

Production Country: USA

Filmed in Black and White


Ann Sothern...Maisie Ravier
J. Winston Carroll...Dr. Michael Shane
Rita Johnson...Kay McWade
Shepperd Strudwick...Dr. John 'Jock' McWade
J.M. Kerrigan...Cap. Finch
E.E. Clive...Horace Snell
Everett Brown...Jallah
Tom Fadden...Nelson
Lionel Pape...British Consul
Nathan Curry...Luemba
Leonard Mudie...Farley
Martin Wilkins...Zia
Ernest Whitman...Varnai